Online Advertising Revenues Overtake Print!
According to the Financial Times, income from online advertising has overtaken traditional newspaper advertising revenues.
It was only a matter of time!
SubHub predicted that this would happen this year, but even we have been taken by surprise at how fast the change has occurred. It supports what we have been saying for months. There is no better time for specialist publishers, experts and authors to get online. New publishers can become market leaders. Existing print publishers can use their existing resources to protect and grow their revenues.
The Financial Times reports that in the UK alone, online advertising has risen by a staggering 41.2% to £2.02bn compare with the £1.9bn spent on advertising in national newspapers. According to the FT, it's not only print that is suffering. All the mainstream media industries including TV, radio and cinema are facing downturns in advertising revenues because of the growth in internet marketing spend.
Amazingly, internet advertising is now more than half the size of the UK’s biggest behemoth of traditional marketing spend . . . TV.
What is driving this huge increase in online advertising?
• Advertisers can measure results and pay based on performance
• Ads can be well targeted at niche groups
• Relevant content enhances adverts and encourages action
• More content producers are allowing ads onto their websites
• Better ad serving technology automatically matches ads with content
For advertisers, the internet offers measurable performance and a far higher return on investment than print ads. They can focus on targeted groups and only pay for qualified leads.
In simple terms, they pay less for better quality results. For the print media and other advertising mediums, the threat from the web can only ever increase. They ignore it at their peril.
If you want to benefit from this increasing online spend, now is the time to launch a niche website with frequently updated quality content. This is what advertisers are looking for, so give them what they want.
This opportunity is open to everyone, but the more quality sites that are launched, the less opportunity there will be for new entrants.